Malawi’s renowned and celebrated Governance and Human Rights Advocate Undule Mwakasungula has described as ill-timed and counterproductive the decision by United Transformation Movement (UTM) Party to leave the Tonse Alliance government.
Mwakasungula, in a statement in reaction to the pulling out of the party from the government it vehemently campaigned for, argued that the decision will not serve the interests of UTM as a party as well as goals of the national stability.

“The timing of this decision is a concern. Malawi is still reeling from the sudden and tragic loss of Dr. Chilima. In the wake of such a loss, national stability and continuity are key. The decision therefore to leave the alliance at this time might not seem to serve the best interests of the party and country as a whole. Instead, it might bring political instability and confusion, which could be detrimental to the nation’s progress and unity,” he said.
Mwakasungula observed that the decision has been made with emotions rather than being a strategic party consideration.
Apparently, the statement issued by UTM highlights grievances regarding the terms of the alliance agreement and perceived betrayals.
Mwakasungula noted that while these concerns might be notable, addressing them by exiting the alliance does not seem to be the best constructive approach.
“Such a decision is an emotional reaction rather than a well-considered strategy for the party’s future and participation in 2025 elections. With such a decision I feel the sustainability and strength of UTM as a political entity is at risk. Dr. Chilima’s leadership was key in uniting and guiding the party. His untimely death left a big leadership vacuum that needs careful handling. Choosing to exit the alliance, UTM risks further fragmentation and weakening as a party. This move could be suicidal for the party’s long-term sustainability, potentially leading to internal divisions and loss of support among its base,” he narrated.
The renowned human rights defender and governance expert further observed that Chilima was a unifying figure whose leadership focused on the broader goal of national unity and development.
He therefore said the decision by UTM Party to leave the alliance will promote internal conflicts and divisions within; hence, undermining the unity and solidarity that Dr. Chilima worked hard to build.
“UTM would have focused on rebranding and rebuilding the party under new leadership, rather than making drastic decisions of exiting from the alliance. A strategic rebranding effort would have been pursued to create a platform to honor Dr. Chilima’s legacy and continue his vision, while also addressing the grievances with the alliance in a more mature, measured and constructive manner,” said Mwakasungula.
“UTM’s decision to leave the Tonse Alliance government is a misstep that does not bode well for the party’s growth and future stability,” he concluded.