Malawians from all walks of life are today taking to the social media to mock 84-year-old former president Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) for insisting to seek re-election in the September 2025 General Elections when 81-year-old Joe Biden has pulled out of the race in the United States (US).
The social media enthusiasts have further expressed disappointment with Mutharika’s insatiable hunger for power, warning that this is a big threat to modern democracy.

The concerned Malawians have since challenged the former president to borrow a leaf from Biden who have chosen to retire from active politics at 81.
“Kumamvatu APM osamangoti ndili ndi mphamvu. Umapatsidwa ulemu munthu ukavomereza wekha. Osati kakaka kumalimbana ndi ana [Accept defeat APM! Don’t be obstinate. You can only be given respect when you accept defeat. Don’t be adamant on competing with the youth],” comments Massah P.
In his comment, Don Tarz urges APM to acknowledge that he is now aged and humbly bow out of active politics.
On the other hand, Fatsani Chione mocks Mutharika for clinging to power when his age-mates are leaving political offices.
Sean Dynasty says it is high time the former Head of State considered leaving the stage and allow the younger generations run the show both in government as well as political parties.
“Komanso APM asaimirenso wakalamba. Dzikoli likufunika Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera yomweyo wachinyamata,” declares Dynasty.
Jonny Charles says after Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election based on his advanced age, he expects APM to follow suit.
“Wasala Peter nawe usowe mwamtendere wako. Wakula iwe Mutharika,” comments Charles.
In his comment, Precious Em Kay IV salutes Biden for demonstrating patriotism and love for the country and his party.
But Kay IV does not expect APM to do the same, arguing Mutharika is not as democratic and patriotic as he claims.
“Biden has bowed out of the race because he is not a selfish person. He understands what is best for his party and country. Nanga ndi nganga za ku Malawi kakakakakakakaakakaka kuphana, kulodzana za ziiiii!” he says.
Andrew Excells Mgemezulu wonders if APM can learn a lesson from Joe Biden.
“Can’t that happen at DPP here in Malawi?” asks Mgemezulu while Costan Zulu fears Mutharika’s greed will destroy his party – DPP.
Zulu alleges that Kondwani Nankhumwa and Dalitso Kabambe left the party because APM is a dictator.